RFH-01 SOLAS Approved Light Type Rubber Chemical Protective Suit
Main purposeand application
Chemical Protective Suit are one kind of fireman's protective clothes. It is used as protection when the fireman comes into contact with harmful chemicals or corrosive goods in the event of a fire or an accident.
In accordance with standard of the Department and the manufacture's industrul standard.
Type and main technical reference
RFH-01 Light type Chemical Protective Suit
RFH-02 Heavy type Chemical Protective Suit (including air respirator).
Main property of rubber fabric:
a.Thickness of rubber fabric:0.45+0.05mm
b.Tensile strength:no less than 450N/5cm width for warp and waft.
c.Tear strength: no less than 32N
d.Property of anti-permeablity of acid: it does not permeate under 10mm liquid of 80% H2SO4, 60%HNO3 and 30% HCL for 1 hour.
e.Property of anti-permeability of alkali: not permeable under 10mm liquid pillar of 6.1mol/L NaOH for 1 hour.
f.Property of benzene resisting:No cracks formed, not sticky after immersing in 120# petrol for 30s.
g.Property of inflammation-prevention:
Continued-burn time: no longer than 2s
Inflammation-prevention time: no longer than 10s
h.Property of anti-heat and anti-aging:125°cx24h, neither fragile nor sticky
i.Property of anti-cold:-25 °cx5min, No cracks formed after 180° folding
j.The adhesion of rubber fabric and textile: no less than 780N/m
k.Property of stab-protection of bottom boots: no less than 780N
I.Property of power-isolated of bottom boots: no less than 5000V
m.Property of anti-water of boots: No permeable after immersing in water for 2 hours
n.Property of anti-permeable of anti-chemical clothes; there is no permeating after scouring 15mins by 5 pieces of 3L/min water nozzle
o.Weight of whole clothes:no more than 5kg