Marine Bulwark Accomodation Gangway Ladders
Product Description
deck equipment, ladders, bulwark ladder, aluminium ladder, accommodation ladders, accomodation ladder, gangways, single-flight ladder
We supplies Ladders for all types and tonnages of vessels. The production range covers Bulwark Ladders, Accommodation Ladders and Gangways.
The accommodation ladders are used on merchant ships including passenger ships to enable persons to embark and disembark safely. The production range includes both Single-flight and Multi-flight Ladders. The material can be structural steels or aluminium alloys in accordance with the related standard of Shipbuilding.
Accommodation Ladders ISO 5488. Revolving platform and the ladders, of single-flight or multi-flight construction, are hinged from an upper revolving platform and are capable of being varied in direction and inclination between the ship and the lower access level. The ladder may be supported by steel wire ropes or chains from the lower suspension point or by rollers fixed to the bottom of the ladder. The steel wires used are approved by classification societies.
The fixed platform ladders are hinged from a fixed anchorage and are capable of being varied in inclination between the ship and the lower access level. These ladders are supported by steel wire ropes or chains from suspension point(s) in the lower part of the ladders. These ladders may also be of single-flight or multi-flight construction. The wire ropes used on the ladders are approved by the classification societies.
The gangways are manufactured to be carried on board ships, to provide a lightweight, convenient and safe means of access from ship to shore, for use primarily by the ship's crew. The gangways may also be used for access from ship to sip when conditions are favourable.
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